{Lil Big Me}Toddleedoo Clothing, Pranks & Toy Store - has MOVED to a new location.
Oh yes.. it is so gorgeous here, and best of all.... NO LAG... Oh sorry I didn't mean to yell, but I am so excited. Now things are mostly the same, some small differences.
But.. the biggest thing. The group gifts and gatcha's are upstairs. You will also notice to inconspicuous couple of chairs. These are called LUCKY CHAIRS!!
Yes the one on the left is a group chair, and the one on the right is for everyone!!!
You will find at the new event for Woodland Gatcha. These tights are so fantastic that even mommies and aunties, and sisters and grammas and oh my goodness so many can wear em, even daddy if he reaaaalllyyy wants too.
Coming December 5th to the Kids Event is the Fluffy Pillow Gatcha. I ~yawns~ getting sleepy just staring ~yawns~ at the ads. They are so darn cute!
So back to the new location. It is mostly the same with some small changes. Besides NO LAG, you will see the outfits downstairs have somehow attached themselves to the walls instead of the clothes lines. Girls are going to be downstairs and we are going to make the boys walk upstairs. The pranks are in the same location and the group chair, gatchas and Lucky chairs are across from the pranks on the opposite wall near the lucky chairs. There is a tree near the front desk that will be showcasing events. As well as that wonderfully discolored mirror that somehow gives us links to join the group, gives us a landmark Oo, sends us to the marketplace, and also magically gives us a link to our facebook page.
So what are you waiting for... come on over and say hello. We promise not to tickle you to bad. :D
Oh yeah.. the group chair are ones you would pay normal price for. They are not freebies. Even though all of Kait's work is awesomeness. ( no I am so not sucking up ) I do love her clothing :P
Don't forget too join the group as well! There are amazing benefits to being a group member. And there are over 20 free high quality outfits for members.
* Group Freebies
* Store Wide Sales
*15% off all In store Items (Excluding Gatchas & New Releases when new group of items are released they will be included into the discount when they rotate!
*Up to 50% off on Selected Items in Mainstore!
*Group Only Free Item Give-away contests!
*1 Store Credit Per 1L Spent
*Spend 2000L in Lil Big Me and get a Permanent discount of 10% Added on top of the other discounted items!
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